Thursday, August 24, 2006

Sharing is Evil. Or how the Music Industry is trying to kill our freedom to share.

When I was 12 years old my father took every pennie he had and payed for a custom guitar for me. It was the most wonderful present I ever had. It's not a professional guitar nor fancy either. Just a studio humble guitar. I learnt to play those wonderful folkloric songs my parents love and during the following years me and my guitar never separated, not even when after getting married I flew across the world to be reunited with my husband in the United States and started a new life. Because of this I know how wonderful OLGA is. What a beautiful resource and what an amazing way for musicians an amateurs like me to share our skills and learn how to play the songs we loved.
That my friends is globalization. To connect with people from the most unbelievable places in the world and share something that is understood in all languages: music.
But Now the Music Industry Wants Guitarists to Stop Sharing. Because they are not happy with the fact that they are giving for free something that could bring the industry a few more bucks.
What they seem to forget is that many of those artist that they ae trying to "protect" started in music by learning other people's songs and sharing tabs and lyrics. What is next then? To stop every teenage garage band from covering their music idols songs?
This is pure f-ing greed and I'm tired and outraged by it. Somebody need to hit the brakes here.
After all if they are intending to go on they might as well start stoping the free access to internet... oh wait... that's already happening isn't it?

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


I've been really bad.
I hate this. I hate when I start something all enthusiastic and then after a while I feel totally incapable of keep on going. The typical "then life happened" thing. In spite of the fact that I spend most of the hours I'm home in the computer I can't get anything done, either in the house or in the computer. I'm a useless woman.
Part of it is the fact I'm so absorbed by the videos I find in the web, the email, or simplely doing Skype to talk to my family.
also I feel sort of depressed by the fact that nobody in the whole world reads this blog. And I got to admit that is not really very interesting anyways. I just don't know what to do to make my blogs interesting to anyone.
I guess I'm in a funk.
I'm sorry Cisco Router, you are still sitting in the box waiting for me to wake you up. I'm sorry server for not working on you yet. I'm sorry blog for not keeping up with you due to the lack of things to record. Bust mostly I'm sorry for anyone that ends up at this blog and has to read this awful post.